This Southern Faggot's Blog

We shake our heads
March 28, 2010, 6:47 pm
Filed under: my head hurts. | Tags: ,

I have strep throat right now. It is amazing how much something that is happening in your throat, can effect the rest of your body.

Everything feels like so much right now. Smells are all really overpowering and nothing tastes right. I am trying to read “The Revolution Starts at Home” and I just don’t know if I have the energy to do that right now. It’s not overwhelming in the way that it becomes inaccessible to me, it’s just so much. But I am really excited about taking a nap and finishing it (thanks for the recommend, Mattilda!)

The past few days have been chilly and dreary. What a good time to be sick, I am kind of glad I have had an excuse to stay inside and not have to deal with all of that.