This Southern Faggot's Blog

Dear Rain. I Love You.
September 22, 2009, 6:27 am
Filed under: Fun games, People to remember | Tags: , , , ,

Fall is almost here, I can feel it. I can smell it. I can taste it. Nothing in the whole, entire world could make me feel more alive than the transtion between summer and fall. Then to winter. Don’t even get me started on winter.

It’s about to storm real bad and you call me to see if I want to go to the house show tonight. Sure, I have the energy for once and this weather is begging for me to be outside. You pick me up from my house (I say pick up, but what I actually mean is that you rode to my house and we rode away together. I like the phrase ‘pick up’ a whole lot) and we ride to the show, which is a really pleasent 15 minute ride. It rains a little on the way there, which makes the roads slick and your brakes don’t work in the rain, but its night time on a Monday in a little town, no cars to worry about. One of the perks of living here, I suppose.

We get to the show and it is the same crow of kids as usual. %98 straight punkz, %1.9 fag and one dyke for diversity. No, wait, strike that. No Dykes, I forgot. Anyway, same crowd as usual and neither of us are feeling it, even though the show is happening at your house. You ask if I want to go walk through the woods behind the house, I say sure, why not? I can actually think of lots of reasons not to, like the possibility of snakes, all the mosquitos, boards with nails, broken glass, ditches and possibly barbed wire.

But we go anyway.

As we get out of ear shot (or maybe you wern’t waiting to be out of ear shot and that just happened to be the case) we start on this interesting conversation about sexuality and the punk (which I keep typing as pinkz, which I like more) scene in our town. It seems that no one in this town talks about sex, with any regularity, not the straight dudez and not even the faggots. Thats what makes it so hard for anyone to be sexually adventurous in this god damn town, it would be easier if people, ANYONE talked about it at all.

Wait, so are you looking to be sexually adventurous?

You suppose so. You say you don’t have any reason to think that you are only attracted to ‘the ladies’ and want to try fooling around with a dude. Maybe just once or twice.

Too bad I’m not a dude.

Well you guess you didn’t mean that. You take it back and realize that you had done that thing, where dude is a gender neutral term. You take it back and let me know that you aren’t just looking to fool around with dudes, but Queers in general.

Oh really? Interesting. I guess I should take this time to let you know that I think you are really cute… and one of the only punks in this town I can actually stand for any amount of time.

You ask if it’s okay if you kiss me. I tell you no, but we can kiss eachother. Although, I draw no line between kissing and making-out, but, really, what’s the point of kissing if you aren’t making out?

We make out for a while and its really nice to be making out with someone who smells as bad as I do, and someone who ‘gets it’, and someone who isn’t terrible. We stop for a while and chat more about Queers, Southern Pride and privilage in the punk scene. I love it when I can make out with someone and once we are done, or taking a break, we have something to talk about. I like talking becvause it makes making out feel more natural, something that I frequently do. In reality, I don’t EVER get to make out and thats really terrible.

We decide to go back to the show, maybe a new band is playing now. You say that you want to do this more/often. I say that I am “fine” with that, but I am clearly more than fine with that. You can tell.

Maybe we can keep eachother warm during the heat-free winter that is about to be upon us. On the walk back, I can’t help to think about how cuddling in your little, tiny bed in your little, tiny room would make me happier than anything.

Now I am looking forward to winter, even more.

2 Comments so far
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Comment by Nick

omg, from the first line of this i knew what(who) you were talking about.

Comment by leila

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