This Southern Faggot's Blog

And then I had sex

I got fucked for the first time IN FOREVER last night and it was really, really nice. He went really slow (at first), which was amazing, because as we know, for some reason I ONLY know boys with horse cocks. Which is terrible, because I would much rather play with a ‘small’ penis than one that makes me cry when I think about it.

Also, the first thing he said after I told him I wanted him to fuck me was ‘do you have condoms’ which made my heart melt a little. I have always had to be the one to insist, which fucking sucks.

But anyway, he fucked me and it was amazing and after words walking was difficult and then I realize, that this is what I want sex to be. Not some fucker trying to shove his cock in my ass all willy-nilly, who is only wearing a condom because I forced him to.

Also, we made a video to send to his boyfriend back home and that part was really fun. The lighting is terrible and we are so close that all the sex sounds are somewhat deafening, but it’s still good I guess.


I just turned the best trick, of my entire life.

He is an older dude, really nice, not weird smelling and really furry, which is such a nice change. We just made out for a long time and I came on his chest and thats all he wanted. After that we rolled around and we talked about turning tricks in this town. He apparently used to be a hustler as well, in the 70’s, in the town that I live in, which is really amazing. And I got an awesome tip, super!

Normally tricks leave my house and I feel drained. I either just want to take a nap, or go spray something in my room that will make their smell go away. But I am fine with whatever smell is in my room right now and all I want to do is go run through the park. I am going to go see what the ducks are doing.

What a fabulous day!

A request from a client
February 5, 2010, 11:57 pm
Filed under: Fun games, Tricks turned | Tags: ,

What I would like is for you to come over to my house dressed in one of your pretty dresses. Have a drink and then as we make out, I discover your equipment. You assure me it will be okn I finally agree and we see how we want to get off. You will have made a believer out of me when we are done.

OMG if this goes through I will be so happy.

Wait… is that kid a FAGGOT?!
January 27, 2010, 9:09 am
Filed under: Fun games | Tags: , , , ,

You know when you are at a house, with lots of people and you are the only Faggot in the entire place and someone says Faggot real loud, as an insult or part of their conversation and everyone stops what they are doing to look directly at you and see what you are going to do?

Normally I hate that, but tonight, I was hanging out after a show (which is something I never do, I should more often, though) and for some reason it just kept happening, with different people. Someone would say Faggot and I would have to defend the word, not because I necessarily care about people using Faggot, but because if I don’t, nobody will. I mean, I guess I care. Clearly I care, its all about c-o-n-t-e-x-t.

But anyway, it kept happening tonight and normally I have having to deal with that, but tonight, it was really fun. Having a real life Faggot in the house isn’t something most kids are used to, so it’s fun to watch them try to deal with that situation, for maybe the first time in their whole lives. I am glad I get to be there to watch them get flustered, stutter and apologize 25 times.

Oh, except for that one really young drunk kid who wasn’t upset that he used a ‘naughty word’, but was just upset that a word existed that he could not use. The idea of a word, or something he could not do, seemed really foreign and upsetting to him.

P&P (poop and pee)
October 15, 2009, 6:20 pm
Filed under: Fun games, Interesting day | Tags: , ,

For most of my life, sitting on a toilet has only meant one thing. That I am about to (or attempting to) shit. But, this has caused problems for me now that I sometimes sit to pee (depending on which bathroom I am using). Nothing is more frustrating than sitting to pee, but having your body think it’s shitting time. I assume this has happened to others, but I have never heard anyone else talk about it.

My roomate and I are going backpacking this weekend, which I am really excited about. He has never gone and I haven’t been in ages, so I am really excited. Have I mentioned before that I am an eagle scout? Most of me really hates the scouting program, but a tiny part of me is really glad that my dad forced me to stick with it so long.

I have been having these really weird energy drains recently and I don’t know what to do about them. They don’t happen when I am doing anything active, but when I am sitting somewhere reading or on the computer, it will just hit me like a wave and I have to take a nap RIGHT THEN, or I just feel like shit. It doesn’t happen all the time, so I am thinking it might not be food related. Hopefully it isn’t.

Dear Rain. I Love You.
September 22, 2009, 6:27 am
Filed under: Fun games, People to remember | Tags: , , , ,

Fall is almost here, I can feel it. I can smell it. I can taste it. Nothing in the whole, entire world could make me feel more alive than the transtion between summer and fall. Then to winter. Don’t even get me started on winter.

It’s about to storm real bad and you call me to see if I want to go to the house show tonight. Sure, I have the energy for once and this weather is begging for me to be outside. You pick me up from my house (I say pick up, but what I actually mean is that you rode to my house and we rode away together. I like the phrase ‘pick up’ a whole lot) and we ride to the show, which is a really pleasent 15 minute ride. It rains a little on the way there, which makes the roads slick and your brakes don’t work in the rain, but its night time on a Monday in a little town, no cars to worry about. One of the perks of living here, I suppose.

We get to the show and it is the same crow of kids as usual. %98 straight punkz, %1.9 fag and one dyke for diversity. No, wait, strike that. No Dykes, I forgot. Anyway, same crowd as usual and neither of us are feeling it, even though the show is happening at your house. You ask if I want to go walk through the woods behind the house, I say sure, why not? I can actually think of lots of reasons not to, like the possibility of snakes, all the mosquitos, boards with nails, broken glass, ditches and possibly barbed wire.

But we go anyway.

As we get out of ear shot (or maybe you wern’t waiting to be out of ear shot and that just happened to be the case) we start on this interesting conversation about sexuality and the punk (which I keep typing as pinkz, which I like more) scene in our town. It seems that no one in this town talks about sex, with any regularity, not the straight dudez and not even the faggots. Thats what makes it so hard for anyone to be sexually adventurous in this god damn town, it would be easier if people, ANYONE talked about it at all.

Wait, so are you looking to be sexually adventurous?

You suppose so. You say you don’t have any reason to think that you are only attracted to ‘the ladies’ and want to try fooling around with a dude. Maybe just once or twice.

Too bad I’m not a dude.

Well you guess you didn’t mean that. You take it back and realize that you had done that thing, where dude is a gender neutral term. You take it back and let me know that you aren’t just looking to fool around with dudes, but Queers in general.

Oh really? Interesting. I guess I should take this time to let you know that I think you are really cute… and one of the only punks in this town I can actually stand for any amount of time.

You ask if it’s okay if you kiss me. I tell you no, but we can kiss eachother. Although, I draw no line between kissing and making-out, but, really, what’s the point of kissing if you aren’t making out?

We make out for a while and its really nice to be making out with someone who smells as bad as I do, and someone who ‘gets it’, and someone who isn’t terrible. We stop for a while and chat more about Queers, Southern Pride and privilage in the punk scene. I love it when I can make out with someone and once we are done, or taking a break, we have something to talk about. I like talking becvause it makes making out feel more natural, something that I frequently do. In reality, I don’t EVER get to make out and thats really terrible.

We decide to go back to the show, maybe a new band is playing now. You say that you want to do this more/often. I say that I am “fine” with that, but I am clearly more than fine with that. You can tell.

Maybe we can keep eachother warm during the heat-free winter that is about to be upon us. On the walk back, I can’t help to think about how cuddling in your little, tiny bed in your little, tiny room would make me happier than anything.

Now I am looking forward to winter, even more.

I made life!!
August 24, 2009, 11:53 pm
Filed under: Fun games | Tags: ,

cucumber_babyY’all, I fucking grew a fucking cucumber baby! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS! Their are even more! (Yes, I am going to take credit for this, even though all I did was water it)

HATS, darling
August 24, 2009, 2:14 pm
Filed under: Fun games

Mattilda made a post a few days ago about hats and I told her I would do the same. Here are some of my favorites.


DSC_4496DSC_4495DSC_4492DSC_4489DSC_4485I wish I didn’t have such a big head. A lot of these only stay on because of the chin strap. Maybe I need to start shrinking my head somehow. I wish that was possible.

August 9, 2009, 2:47 am
Filed under: Fun games, Tricks turned lessons learned | Tags: , ,

(me): Oh yea, I can come over later. You should run out and get some gas money. Where do you live?

(trick): Downtown!

(me): Oh, well we are neighbors! Imagine that. Let’s call it bike money, then!

July 15, 2009, 8:00 pm
Filed under: Faggot Rant, Fun games | Tags: , , , ,

I miss last year, where my and my roomate would get absolutely FABULOUS and DREADFUL and go out to the clubs. We used to go to the bear bar, which was a lot of fun. It was just like Cheers, except more blow jobs and penis exposure. But apparently I got too sassy with the owner and I am not allowed there anymore. I feel pretty good about it though, because I was sure to make a scene.

After that we would go to the only faggot clubs in this town, which are absolultly terrible. That was kind of like Cheers too, except everyone knew your name (or mine, specifically) for a bad reason. Thats fine, though. But I can’t go to any of those anymore, either, so my roomate and I now have no where to go when we feel like getting FABULOUS. He always wants to go to straight bars, but thats not really fun for me.

I am in the process of reading “Pulling Taffy” again and it is making me miss that so much. Maybe those awful places felt like some sort of community. Somewhere I didn’t fit in, but I was supposed to, so people pretended that I did, which was always fun to watch.

Maybe I should open my own club. That’s the last thing this town needs, but this one would trashy and dreadful (word of the day, apparently). It would be all ages and their would be no door charge and drinks would be cheap cheap cheap! We would construct GRAND chandeliers out of used condoms and would have menstrual blood paintings everywhere. Their would be lots of dark corners and multiple back rooms where only god-knows-what would happen. One of the back rooms would have NOTHING in it but 4 or 5 tire swings hanging and people could swing and swing all night. Actually, maybe one of the rooms could be an indoor playground, with swings and shit to climb on everywhere. People would say that will attract kids and I would say, “GOOD!” God forbid people under 25 go out and try to have fun that doesn’t involve meth.

I need suggestions for names. Something glamourous.